Tweet Here you can read Sarah Dines's speeches and appearances in Parliament when she was a Member of Parliament (provided by theyworkforyou):
Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda | Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill | Commons debates Will the Minister clarify whether, if the Government can, as reported in The Times and The Daily Telegraph, find as many as 150 extra judges
Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda | Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill | Commons debates Will the Minister clarify whether, if the Government can, as reported in The Times and The Daily Telegraph, find as many as 150 extra judges
Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda | Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill | Commons debates Will the Minister clarify whether, if the Government can, as reported in The Times and The Daily Telegraph, find as many as 150 extra judges
Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda | Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill | Commons debates Will the Minister clarify whether, if the Government can, as reported in The Times and The Daily Telegraph, find as many as 150 extra judges
Engagements | Prime Minister | Commons debates As disturbed as I was to learn that British politicians are being debanked by the National Westminster Bank, the Prime Minister can imagine
Engagements | Prime Minister | Commons debates As disturbed as I was to learn that British politicians are being debanked by the National Westminster Bank, the Prime Minister can imagine
Domestic Abuse | Home Office | Written Answers It is important that police officers recognise and understand domestic abuse in all its forms.
Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner | Home Office | Written Answers The remit of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC) is set out in the 2015 Modern Slavery Act.