Sarah Dines 2023 Crime survey


Local crime has a huge impact on our community and on the lives of those who are the victims of crime. Unfortunately, recently more constituents are contacting me about crimes, such as attempted thefts, thefts and anti-social behaviour and I want to know your thoughts.

It is vital that residents feel safe in their homes and out and about on our streets and as your Member of Parliament I am determined to deal with the issues affecting our area.

By filling in the survey below, you will have your say on crime and anti-social behaviour in our area, so that I can feed this back directly to the local police. 

Have your say on the crimes that affect you. Please fill in my survey and together we can tackle crime and make our area safer.

Thank you in advance.



Crime survey

  • Current Crime Survey
  • Your details
Have you experienced or witnessed any crime or anti-social behaviour?
If yes, please state below:
Fly tipping
Car theft
On a scale of 0-10 how safe do you feel walking around your community, where 10 is extremely safe and 0 is extremely unsafe?
On a scale of 0-10 how safe do you consider your community at night, where 10 is extremely safe and 0 is extremely unsafe?
How satisfied are you with the visibility of your local police?
What measures would you like to see to prevent crime in our area?